Whats hot about this decade? Startups! Look at all the people out of colleges setting up businesses for all things so unnecessary! The Start up generation is revolutionising the products and services. On a serious note startups now are focussed at improving customer quality of life and experience. Native Milk is addressing Mumbai’s fetish with health and A2 Milk.
Native Milk was start up by a group of friend who identified a need in the market for the A2 milk sourced from of free grazing indigenous Indian cows like Sahiwal and Kankrej from selected farm lands in Maharashtra.
The brand philosophy was simple - modern take on ancient goodness and purity.
Rebranding starts with detailed assessment with the current visual assets and evaluating it for opportunity. The inferences have to work in the current market and refined goals of the company. Native Milk had the strong backstory and needed the brand visual elevation that sets it above category traditions assigned to niche health products. We explored two ideas one very traditional keeping the revival of Indian Cow milk at the core and another one keeping the modern and minimal aesthetic that will appeal to the health conscious milk person.

The earlier logo was designed to showcase the A2 protein benefit in the Native Milk. This is technical jargon came in the way as challenge in simplifying the logo form and the new logo was designed to simply to showcase the happy grazing cow, with a glass of milk encased within the counter space. The purity of the milk, the happiness of the cow and the minimal identity all came together with this simple form.

It was important encompass the brands quality and its major differentiator in the logo. The logo form being pictorial is modest and communicates the authentic nature of the brand and the visual shifts from the mainstream excess to a more minimal niche brand. Also the simplistic new identity does not overcomplicate the key offering of the brand. The logo form also widens the brand product category.
Package design was crucial to Native Milk’s subscription only service. Also moving on from Plastic bottles to a more eco-friendly biodegradable tetra packs made out of pulp. Our research indicated that milk packages all around the world had the same cloned feeling. It was either 50 shades of blue or lurking on trying to get the brands purity factor published in bland (read white) ways.

So for Native Milk package to stand out we chose it to be narrative and yet elegant. The old brand had employed an illustration that signified the humble facade of a cow and calf against the rural farm background. The emotional need to stay loyal to firsts had us incorporating the old and the new flawlessly. Since package designs does not much affluence for story telling, infographics played an important role in communicating product journey and value.
The updated identity and the package design came together to give this start up a heads up on its visual identity game!
Take Away:Start ups need to consult design studios and take design inputs for their branding, Identities designed in haste do not make for great lasting impressions and also do not give room for diversification.
For more details about our project:
visit our website@ https://www.bblewrap.com