‘Financial aid targeted at a singular segment in the industry, has the ability to uplift that particular segment with strategic financial solutions. Education industry is something that is permanent, and dynamic at the same time. It has multiple facets that need to be addressed sometimes within a short period of time.’
Sakshara is the financial lending product designed for educational institutions powered by Protium (Growth Source Financial Technologies) .
The brand enabled institutions to access easy financial aid for growth, expansion and also extended to the stakeholders within the institutions like validated lending solutions for teachers and also for pursuants of future studies.


Bblewrap outlined the strategy for Sakshara with the intent to make it identifiable and approachable. The key aspects of the entity and the lender were to be trust and reliability. Along with this, as a relatively linear offering, the brand had to be informative and friendly in its approach.


The strategy indicated that we work towards creating a strong icon based logo mark that included the purpose of the brand and the ultimate outcome it satisfied. The logomark made up of 3 elements brings together the empowerment that education enables.

Easy to identify with a vibrant purple, the logomark infuses energy and transparency to the transactional nature of the business. It creates a very familiar yet sophisticated marker that encompasses all the stakeholders it caters to.


The education industry has seen very rapid growth in recent times. Thus the digital landscape for brands in this industry is very direct and gratification based. The Sakshara website has been conceptualised to provide instant information and turnaround that facilitates faster solutions.
The website informs all of its products and then invites the user to choose and connect with a real purpose. This strategic interface leads to faster execution of filtered requests and aids the business in a functional manner.

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